88小说网 > 其他类型 > 芳毫之巅 > 第48章 讨论
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“So since most people are in favor of this action, let\\u0027s make a suggestion.”约翰森看了一眼一旁的帕特里克,没有再继续追问他。

“First, we need to get white\\u0027s speech schedule.”夏佐扬西开口

约翰森不以为意“It\\u0027s very simple, through the first round of voting, we can already know with a high probability where his supporters are the majority, and it will be good to keep an eye on it when the time es.”

“choose two or three of these cities to set up the right manpower.”

“Yes, we have to choose the city that is good for us,”吉恩耶尔也适时插话表达着自己的观点。



“mander, I have already sent someone to check, it is these ten cities, where he mainly solicits votes.”

约翰森在地图上搜寻了一圈,眉毛轻微抬起“there is no Kambuya. ”


“Yes, here white has the lowest approval rating, and the highest is also colt.”夏佐扬西回答着


“my proposal is to choose the three cities of Lewaman, Stia and Kingcanter.”


“did you choose this place because of the distance? If that\\u0027s the case, ogard would be more appropriate.”约翰森反问


“because in these three cities, white\\u0027s approval rating, although the highest, is not much different from davis\\u0027s vote.”一直都没说话的帕特里克突然开口

“did you agree to this action?”约翰森很是惊讶

帕特里克接过了地图“All four of you agreed, and Allan and I can\\u0027t do nothing.”

“You\\u0027re thinking that if you fail, someone can divert our attention for us, right?”约翰森给出了自己的判断


“but of the three cities, I remend kingcanter because the buildings there are basically high-rise buildings, which is conducive to hiding snipers.”


“when are you ready to start the operation, we can carry out the transfer of personnel.”他询问着约翰森

杰西看着旁边的约翰森想了许久“two days later.”


“he was afraid that he would die at that time, otherwise how could he be so anxious.”



“then Kingcanter wouldn\\u0027t be the right place.”帕特里克回答他

“Let\\u0027s now extrapolate white\\u0027s itinerary.”帕特里克将地图铺到了面前巨大的桌子上。从上衣的口袋中取出了一只钢笔,淡蓝色的痕迹一步一步划过了了很多城市。

“of the three cities, a short stretch of mountain road is Lewaman, so he won\\u0027t choose to go here first.”

帕特里克又将钢笔放在了金坎特“the city is the closest to cambya, but as far as I know, the weather in camcante is not very good these days.”

“Yes,”在一旁消声很久的阿伦沃克也重新搭起了腔“And it\\u0027s low-lying, and if there is heavy rain, it can easily cause natural disasters, and white will definitely not go here first.”


“that\\u0027s just Stia.”阿尔杰卡兰这时终于能够插上一句话了

帕特里克点点头“but white will definitely not go here these two days, so the mander, after two days, will not be able to carry out operations.”

约翰森附身凑近了地图“So when do you think white will go to Stia?”

“It will take four days at the earliest, mander.”帕特里克用钢笔戳着自己的太阳穴,并在上面轻轻敲打着。

“why four days?”吉恩耶尔有些无法理解“why did he leave so late?”

“It is the same as our original intention of choosing these three cities.”


“mander, if you want to act in two days, none of the three cities can be chosen.”

“And,”一直都处于沉默的杰西这个时候也开始说话了“if he only prepares two speeches in one city, a total of three cities, even if he is flying, it will take a little more than three days.”

“Jessi is right,”帕特里克将钢笔在桌子上一敲“the probability that they will choose an airplane for the sake of life safety is very small, most likely a car.”


“mander, please decide, we will go wherever you let us go.”夏佐扬西搭话



“Four days later, each of them sent 50 of their own people to Stia.”


“Now, then, it\\u0027s time to judge where white will be going to give his speech.”

“of course it was an open-air square.”阿尔杰卡兰说道

帕特里克表示同意“where is the square, what time, and how many people will they arrange?”



“None of us had been there, so we had to go on field trips for the next three days.”

“well,”约翰森将桌子上的地图收了起来抵还给夏佐扬西“everyone gives a location, and I\\u0027ll be waiting for you here in three days.”




“two days later, don\\u0027t forget.”

杰西并没有再做挣扎,而是将头转向了约翰森那边“mander, I don\\u0027t think this should be considered at such an urgent moment.”

他若无其事地抚摸着她的红发“You always use the banner of being good for me to achieve your goals.”

根本不等杰西做出回答,他接着说“to be honest with you, in fact, I plan to act in two days, after all, I am a gambler, and the more dangerous I am, the more I like it.”

“And I chose to wait two more days not only because you thought it was just for their safety, but also because I knew you wanted me to choose the former.”



“Stop making other excuses to delay time, I\\u0027ve been giving you a long time.”





“I know you don\\u0027t want to do it, but I\\u0027m a gambler and I want to see how you\\u0027ll kill me at that time.”

他起身,一只手捏着杰西的下巴“I also hope that you are a gambler, if you can\\u0027t kill me, you have to run quickly, you know?”

那只手的大拇指轻轻摩挲着她的唇,他好像很喜欢这么做“If you fail, you will be tied up here by me, and you will be better off living than dying at that time.”




“the madman is the most wrong evaluation I made about you, you are a pervert.”

“Yeah, isn\\u0027t that all you forced me to do?”约翰森丝毫不生气

杰西冷哼一声“blame me? wrong, that\\u0027s who you are.”

“En en ”约翰森点着头像是十分认同她的说法“then you have to take the initiative a little more, so that you don\\u0027t have to suffer.”

“It\\u0027s getting late, good night.”最后一个尾音轻扬,约翰森并没有回到房间,相反,他离开了迷宫。
